Lives Changed by Jesus (2021).
In this series we will be exploring several New Testament characters whose lives were changed by an encounter with Jesus. Over the course of the series we will dive into the transformation they experienced, the focus of their encounter, the required response, any friends who were involved, and the invitation into mission. The importance of these five aspects will vary but will be a consistent part of the discipleship menus.
Week 01 | Lydia – A heart opened by the Lord
Week 02 | The Paralytic - Forgiven and Healed
Week 03 | The Ethiopian Eunuch - Understanding, Faith, and Inclusion
Week 04 | The Forgiven Woman - Honouring Jesus With What We Have
Week 05 | Timothy - Fan into Flame the Gift of God
Week 06 | The Leper - Come As You Are
Week 07 | The Syrophoenician Woman
Week 09 | The Gerasene Demoniac - A Drowning Man
Week 10 | Paul – A Damascus Road Experience