This week at GBC we're returning to the Parables of Jesus, and looking at The Unforgiving (or Unmerciful) Servant from Matthew 18:21-35. This parable is told as part of a sermon Jesus gives about how to live as part of a community of believers. This community is characterised in Chapter 18 by childlike faith, protecting not exploiting one another, holiness, healthy restoration of relationships and fair behaviours. We are called to live mindful of the "one-another's" of scripture which occur over 100 times in the New Testament. We're to love one another (John 13:34); Live in harmony with one another (Romans 12:16); Bear one another's burdens (Gal 6:2); Forgive one another (Col 3:13) and Look to the interests of one another (Phil 2:4) and many more. What a high calling we have as Christians, to be people who love, serve and care for one another as we follow Jesus together.
Part of being part of the 'one-another' community of faith at GBC this year has been the year-long process of discernment we have undertaken together. This Sunday at our Mid Year Meeting we will hear the first impressions from our Discernment Group. They have collected and collated all the prayers, scriptures, ideas, drawings, impressions and thoughts together and will be sharing these with our church. This is our first opportunity to see what patterns and themes emerge and to prayerfully consider what God is saying to us as a community of believers as together we seek to serve God and our wider community.
We're not making any decisions or plans at the mid year meeting about this discernment information, and will be meeting as a church on 17th September to spend more time thoughtfully considering what God is saying, however this is an opportunity to hear what God has been saying to our community and commit the future work into his hands. I hope you can join us either in person or via zoom.
Roxane Lawler | Associate Pastor