Earlier this week I read an article in the SMH about Australia’s falling aid budget. In 2020 we gave 19 cents out of every $100, down from 33 cents in 2011. More striking is that while global aid increased by 26% between 2011-2020, our aid fell 31%. On Tuesday night the federal budget came out and it appears that our foreign aid budget has been shrunk again. The uncertainty of the times we live in has been cited as one reason for this decision.
All this while we are seeking to raise $198,000 for the work of the kingdom here and overseas. This target is set at 22.5% of our proposed offerings budget and I was struck by just how Big-Hearted this is and by how counter-cultural giving is; especially sacrificial giving.
In uncertain, anxious times, it is so easy to draw a very tight circle around ourselves and care for those within it; to withhold what we might need rather than giving with faith-filled generosity.
Let me encourage you to carefully consider what God might be inviting you to give to the May Mission Month appeal. Pay attention to the anxiety you feel about giving generously and pray for the courage to give with faith.
Our world – our nation – needs an example of generosity beyond fear. Let us be that example in Jesus’ name!
Marc Rader | Senior Pastor