We are nearing the end of the first term (or the first quarter of the year for those without school-aged children) and I find myself really looking forward to Easter and the opportunity to reflect more fully and substantially on our theme of Regeneration. After a strange 2020, 2021 hasn’t been nearly as “normal” as I would have hoped. As individuals and a community of faith, we are continuing to emerge from the shadow of a difficult year and are in need of regeneration. It seems particularly timely that we have the opportunity to celebrate Easter at this time. I’d like to personally invite you to participate in our Regeneration service on the 28th – and to take part in the discipleship menu in preparation – and to our Easter services on April 1st (Tenebrae), 2nd (Good Friday), and the 4th (Easter Sunday). Let us open our hearts to the ministry of the Holy Spirit as we step into all that Jesus is inviting us into.
Marc Rader | Senior Pastor