Yesterday our family achieved a bit of a milestone - all five of us are fully vaccinated. As our community gets closer and closer to 70% vaccinated (and as the weather gets warmer) we, along with so many, are looking forward to an easing of restrictions.
The road to re-opening is not entirely clear and there are lots of questions we all have about what the next few months will look like. As a community of faith we are also starting to chart our path forward. As a starting point we are doing two things. First, contacting our volunteers to check in about being willing and able to return to face-to-face serving. Second, we are asking our congregation to fill in a five-question, anonymous survey that will help us answer the same questions. The link to the survey is here if you’d like to fill it in now:
We’re aware that vaccination status is going to be front and centre in the immediate future and that our willingness to return to onsite ministries/services will be impacted by the reality of living with COVID (e.g., increased case numbers and hospitalisations). It is important to affirm, as I did a few weeks ago, that we will do all we can to welcome, connect, and care for people regardless of vaccination status especially if this means that there is a period of time when people are unable or unwilling to attend face-to-face events. If you’d like to chat more about this (or other issues related to our return) feel free to contact me.
I look forward to what God will continue to do in our midst - for he has never been locked-down! Even though the future is not clear (it never has been) and there are many questions, we can proceed with confidence because we serve the one who is in control!