This Sunday we are hosting a Regeneration Service which is an opportunity for us to reflect on the past year. It will be different from our “normal” service with no sung worship and no sermon but instead a series of reflections based on the experience of the people of Israel as they stood on the eastern side of the Jordan River – after the forty years in the wilderness but before they had entered the promised land.
I hope that this will be a time of healing and restoration for us as we head into Easter. I’d encourage you to have a look at the Discipleship Menu we’ve created for this service (on our website under the Next Steps tab) and come prepared (and a little early!) to receive from God this Sunday.
On a different note, thanks to all who attended our AGM and Extraordinary Meeting last week. We received the Annual Report for 2020, appointed Glenn Smith to the CLT (Treasurer) and Matt Willis and Roxane Lawler to the pastoral team. These are exciting appointments and I’m looking forward to what God will do in the days to come.
I hope to see you Sunday for our Regeneration Service.
God bless!
Marc Rader | Senior Pastor