
Matt Willis is back in the host seat along with Jess Baker and Marc Rader. Listen to your top questions from our the first sermon of our new series Sonds Of The People.

  • How do we reconcile the violent nature of God's judgement with the invitation of a redemptive relationship?
  • In our cultural context that is filled with entitlement, how can we train ourselves in humility?
  • At times where I don't understand God or feel disconnected from him, how do I live out real praise instead of pretending?

If you want to be part of the conversation, make sure you're there at one of our three services on Sunday, and you snap the Slido QR code before the sermon.

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We’d love for you join us for church at gbconline.org.au at 8:30, 10:30, and 6:00pm (AEST).