We are nearing the end of our series in Revelation 2-3 that we've called "Seven Letters, Seven Lessons" in which we are seeking to listen to the discipleship lesson that Jesus has for the churches. This week we turn to the church at Philadelphia, a church that was doing it tough but to whom Jesus has nothing but good to say.
There is an open door that ushers us into the very presence of God who supplies all our needs. If you are, like the church at Philadelphia, finding following Jesus tough, don't stay in the foyer but enter through the door that no one can shut.
Do you have one or two people in your life who can help you check your blind spots? These people are a gift to us to faithfully follow Jesus. Whoever has ears to hear, let them hear what the Spirit says to the churches.
Don't forget that you can find our discipleship menu for this series on our website under the Next Steps tab and growing, join us as we seek to follow Jesus together.
Is there someone you know who really needs to hear this message? Why not share it with them and see what God does through it.
If you'd like to join us online, we meet at gbconline.org.au at 9:30am AEST. We'd love for you to join us.
If you're in the area and would like to visit us physically visit our website gymeabaptist.org.au for all our Onsite Service times. Also, be sure to follow us on Facebook or Instagram to keep up with all we are doing.