This week has seen some extraordinary things happen in Australia as a result of the coronavirus and we launched our very first online church service yesterday. You can join in our worship together at at our regular service times of 8:30am, 10:30am, and 6:00pm (Australian Eastern Standard Time). We’d love for you to join us if you are part of our community of faith here or if your own church is unable to move online. Stay as long as you need.
Given these extraordinary events we are delaying the last of our values until later this week. Subscribe to the podcast to get alerts about when it comes out. Instead, as part of our online service I reflected briefly on what it means to be the church un-gathered. Wherever you are, reach out to others and “greet” them, and remember that where you are, God is - still active and still inviting us to be involved. Write John 20:21 and put it some place you’ll see it as you go to those places Jesus sends you.