With Christmas in the rear vision mirror we wrap up our Songs of Hope series in Psalm 148 and its extraordinary call to praise the Lord.
Praise the Lord! Praise him with songs; giving voice to the voiceless praise of the created order. Praise him with our lives; aligning our lives with the purpose that our great and loving God has given to us.
And that's the final podcast for 2020. If you've only just found us or count yourself a regular part of our digital community of faith I trust that you've heard the invitation of God to join in his grand plan of restoration and have found the courage to join in.
Is there someone you know who really needs to hear this message? Why not share it with them and see what God does through it.
If you'd like to join us online, we meet at gbconline.org.au at 9:30am AEST. We'd love for you to join us.
If you're in the area and would like to visit us physically we are about to return to face-to-face gatherings in early January. Visit our website gymeabaptist.org.au. for service times or follow us on Facebook or Instagram.