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GBC News | 28 February 2025
Message from the Senior PastorOn Tuesday semester 1 got under way at Morling College. As many of you know, I am a part-time faculty member at Morling and have been for nearly twenty years. This semester I am lecturing in Preaching II and Old Testament Foundations. It’s a full day but one that I thoroughly enjoy. In fact, it’s been a particularly long break for me as I wasn’t involved in face-to-face lectures last semester and I was very excited to be back in the saddle! However, it reminded me how thankful I am that GBC, when I was appointed, insisted that I continue teaching at the college. It is not only a very enjoyable task for me, but is a way in which GBC contributes to the resourcing of the wider church. This has been a critical aspect of our heritage for a long time and doesn’t just include me! Today, the Arrow board met in our facilities. Arrow is a leadership development program that has been running in Australia for over twenty-five years. Roxane has been involved for the last several years as a state coordinator, meeting with the NSW cohort each year and participating in their ongoing development. Rox’s involvement is another way we contribute to the wider church and I couldn’t be prouder to be part of a community of faith that keeps one eye “out there” and willingly allows their staff to be engaged in those outside ventures. For me, it means being part-time at the church (four days a week) and for Rox, that she’ll be out of the office a bit as she invests in young leaders. In both instances, it’s a decision to resource the wider church that allows and enables our involvement. So thanks! And be encouraged at the impact we’re having as a community of faith! Marc Rader | Senior Pastor This Sunday: 2 March9:30am (Onsite and Online) | 6:00pm (Onsite only)9:30am - (2025 Theme) "Lives Changed by Jesus": A deepening delight in Scripture. (Bible passage: Psalm 119:9-16) Preacher: Marc Rader. [+ Interview with Sam Hudson]. 6:00pm - Same Message as in AM. Coming up ...9 Mar - Lives Changed by Jesus: An abiding life of prayer. 16 Mar - Baptism Sunday Weekly Sermon ResourcesThe Big 3 | LifeGroup ResourcesTHE BIG 3 PODCAST Marc Rader answers the Top 3 Questions raised from Sunday's sermon: 2) Every Wednesday - Listen to The Big 3 podcast here or subscribe/download whereever you get your podcasts - Join Marc as he answers the top three questions raised from Sunday's Sermon. LIFEGROUP RESOURCES Produced each Monday as a companion to the sermon series and includes a brief overview of the sermon with a series of activities to do together as a LifeGroup: Questions to ask, Prayers to pray, Practices to try, Biblical passages to read. GBC Church Calendar 2025Upcoming events - Add to your DiaryFRI 28/2-SUN 2/3: GBC Youth Camp SUN 2 MAR: Q&A for Prospective LifeGroup Leaders SUN 2 MAR: Baptism Q&A with Marc Rader SUN 16 MAR: Baptism Sunday SUN 16 MAR: Creating Safe Spaces Workshop at GBC (See info below) SAT 22 MAR: Men's Breakfast (Registration Link available next week) SUN 30 MAR: GBC Annual General Meeting Two You can access GBC Calendar on GBC Links - Go to the "Calendar" tab on the drop down menu in GBC Links or click here and log in.
Baptism Q&A with Marc RaderSUN 2 MAR 11AM/4:30PM - Pastoral Staff Main OfficeIf you're interested in being baptised at our Baptism Service on March 16 please join Marc Rader at an Info Session this Sunday (2 March) 11:00am OR 4:30pm. Fill out the Expression of Interest by clicking here OR if you'd prefer to be a walk-in, just come on up to the Pastoral Staff Main Office.
LifeGroup Leaders Q&A Info SessionSUN 2 MAR 11AM - Upstairs Meeting RoomIf you're interested in leading a LifeGroup but want to know more about it first (how, when, what, where, who) please join Roxane Lawler and Nicole Jones at an info session for prospective LifeGroup Leaders this Sunday (2 March) at 11am, upstairs in Meeting Room 2 (aka Blue Room). No need to register - just walk into the room - we'd love to see you there. Creating Safe Spaces Workshop @ GBCSUN 16 MAR 12-3Creating Safe Space is a two-part training facilitated by the Baptist Association to train and equip volunteers and ministry leaders who are working with vulnerable people. The workshop covers duty of care, positional power, transparency and accountability, risk management, reporting obligations, and Safe Church Practices. Volunteers who are serving in leadership roles and/or working with vulnerable people directly are required to complete this training but the training is open to anyone who would like to be equipped to create safe spaces for all people to explore who the person of Jesus is here at GBC. Part one of the training is an online module that you can register and complete here. Part two of the training is attending a face-to-face module on Sunday 16 March from 12:00-3:00pm at GBC. Click here to register for the GBC face-to-face module. Speak to Marjy for more information or if you need assistance registering. GBC LifeGroupsJoin Now or Invite a friendLifeGroups are a wonderful way to connect in with your GBC family. Invite someone to join your LifeGroup or ask someone to join their's. Complete an Expression of Interest - CLICK HERE. What happens next? Nicole Jones, LifeGroup Coordinator will email you. GBC ServeVolunteer's Next StepThinking of volunteering at GBC in 2025 but not sure where or how or who to speak with? Please complete an Expression of Interest by clicking here and Marjy Robertson, Serve Team Leader will be in contact with you.
Thursday Night Prayer ZoomThursday 7:30pm-8pmWe'd love you to join us for a short but effective time of “zoom” prayer Thursday night at 7:30pm. A 30-minute guided prayer led by one of our wonderful Elders. It's always an encouragement spending this short time together with Jesus. You can join in using this link: THURSDAY NIGHT PRAYER ZOOM or using the Meeting ID: 919 1693 5880 Passcode: f603j2 Add it to your diary now and we look forward to seeing you online on Thursday. |
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GBC Family News
An Encouraging Elder Editorial from Sonia BeresfordLives Changed By JesusRomans 12: 4-8 “Just as each of us has one body with many members, and these members do not all have the same function, so in Christ we who are many form one body, and each member belongs to all the others.” I love that our church is where we can belong and work together, under Christ, our common Saviour and Lord, to do His work, using our different gifts and passions. Let’s not compare or compete with each other but encourage one another and celebrate our diversity as we find our God-given purpose in the body of Christ. A Prayer to Pray (from this Week's LifeGroup Resource)Continue to pray for each other that the Holy Spirit would identify an area of our lives that He wants to align more closely over the course of 2025. Congregational Prayer Requests* Pray a hedge of protection around GBC Youth Kids and Leaders away at Blue Gum Lodge Campsite this weekend. May they see, hear, learn about and come to know the loving, strong and steadfast presence of Jesus their King. * For those considering baptism at the Service on March 16 - pray that they will boldy take their next faithful step and that all obstacles which might prevent them from taking this step will be removed from their path. * Please pray for GBC folk in physical, mental and emotional pain. For those who are in hospital, undergoing surgery, medical tests, treatment. For those who are lonely, grieving the loss of a loved one. * Our community of faith. Firstly, that we might see lives changed for the first time as people place their faith in Jesus. And secondly, that we might see change in all our lives as we continue to follow Jesus. May our hearts be open and turned towards God as we prepare to hear from and through The Word this Sunday - may His word be a lamp for our feet, a light on our path. (Psalm 119:105)
Family News to share? | Join the Care Team?If you would like an item included in GBC Family News please fill in this form. For any questions regarding submitting this form, contact Karen Watkins, Congregational Care Coordinator, GBC Office – 9521 4611. Join the Care Team - be God's hands and His feet as we care for those in our community. To join one of our three Care Teams (Food, Practical, Visitation & Prayer) contact Marjy Robertson, Serve Team Coordinator. |