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GBC News | 14 March 2025
Message from the Senior PastorThis coming Sunday we are baptising four young women who will, as part of their baptism, reflect on the ways that Jesus has changed their lives. It is, in some ways, a pause in our series in which we’ve been exploring spiritual practices that are both the evidence of a life changed and the ways in which we are changed. However, while we may not practice baptism in an ongoing way – we are only baptised once – we are, nonetheless, always living out our baptismal commitments. When we are baptised we commit to follow Jesus as our Lord and Saviour, turning from our old way of living and living in the new life given to us by the Spirit and in the community of faith known as the church. It is a practice that changes us, even as we are being changed by following Jesus. It's going to be a great day as we celebrate lives changed by Jesus! I hope you can join me! Marc Rader | Senior Pastor This Sunday: 16 March9:30am (Onsite and Online) | 6:00pm (Onsite only)9:30am - (2025 Theme) "Lives Changed by Jesus": Baptism Sunday: two baptism candidates. (Bible passage: Romans 6:1-14) Preacher: Marc Rader. 6:00pm - Same Message as in AM. Baptism Sunday: two baptism candidates. Coming up ...23 Mar - Lives Changed by Jesus: An increasing recognition of God's voice. 30 Mar - AGM2 Weekly Sermon ResourcesThe Big 3 | LifeGroup ResourcesTHE BIG 3 PODCAST Marc Rader answers the Top 3 Questions raised from Sunday's sermon: 2) Every Wednesday - Listen to The Big 3 podcast here or subscribe/download whereever you get your podcasts - Join Marc as he answers the top three questions raised from Sunday's Sermon. LIFEGROUP RESOURCES Produced each Monday as a companion to the sermon series and includes a brief overview of the sermon with a series of activities to do together as a LifeGroup: Questions to ask, Prayers to pray, Practices to try, Biblical passages to read. GBC Church Calendar 2025Upcoming events - Add to your DiarySUN 16 MAR: Baptism Sunday SUN 16 MAR: Creating Safe Spaces Workshop at GBC WED 19 MAR: Embrace Ladies Morning Tea SAT 22 MAR: Men's Breakfast SUN 30 MAR: GBC Annual General Meeting Two SAT 13 APR: All-Church Working Bee WED 26 MAR: Snr Men's Lunch @ DRV You can access GBC Calendar on GBC Links - Go to the "Calendar" tab on the drop down menu in GBC Links or click here and log in.
Notice of GBC's AGM2: 30 March 2025SUN 30 MAR 2025 11:30AM - Onsite & ZoomTo Members of Gymea Baptist Church, Notice is hereby given of GBC's Annual General Meeting Two on Sunday 30 March at 11:30am onsite and online (via Zoom). Meeting Papers consist of Agenda, Last Meeting Minutes, 2024 Annual Report with Financials - CLICK TO READ MEETING PAPERS. Join us onsite or online (via Zoom - click for link) If any Apologies or questions please email Karen Watkins.
GBC Working BeeSAT 13 APR 8AM-12PMWe have the amazing opportunity to open our facility to many community groups, conferences, and small groups. To ensure that our spaces are welcoming and safe for all who enter, we invite you to join us in making our church building a true reflection of our love. Your help in this effort will make a meaningful difference! Join us for a Working Bee at GBC on Saturday 12 April from 8:00am - 12:00pm. Let’s come together to clean up and show our love for the church site. Whether you’re cleaning skirting boards, scrubbing, or sprucing up with some paint, your help will make a big difference. It’s a great way to serve, connect, and make our space shine. More specific details to come. Bring your energy, tools, and a spirit of community – we can’t wait to see you there!
Hopefield Cronulla - Courtyard GardenVolunteer(s) Needed: One-off to Weed GardenIf you've got a spare 30 minutes (perhaps as a LifeGroup) Hopefield Cronulla (6 Gosport St) would love to hear from you. Our little courtyard garden is in need of a little TLC. It's a small area and should only take 30 minutes. You set the date and time. If you are able to assist Hopefield make our Cronulla front door welcoming and easy to access, please email Karen Watkins - I can send you photos so you can see before you commit the area and scope of work required. Creating Safe Spaces Workshop @ GBCSUN 16 MAR 12-3 - Walks-insCreating Safe Space is a two-part training facilitated by the Baptist Association to train and equip volunteers and ministry leaders who are working with vulnerable people. The workshop covers duty of care, positional power, transparency and accountability, risk management, reporting obligations, and Safe Church Practices. Volunteers who are serving in leadership roles and/or working with vulnerable people directly are required to complete this training but the training is open to anyone who would like to be equipped to create safe spaces for all people to explore who the person of Jesus is here at GBC. GBC is hosting a face-to-face Workshop on Sunday 16 March from 12:00-3:00pm. If you've not yet registered, you can be still attend as a walk-in. See Marjy at 11:45am at the Registration Desk in the Old Auditorium. Embrace @ Blackfish Cafe, ComoWED 19 MAR 10AMCome along to our first Embrace morning tea for 2025. Bring a friend or just come and catch up with friends on Wednesday 19th March, 10am to 11.30am at Blackfish Café, Como. Let Janine know you’re coming so she can reserve a seat for you. See her this Sunday at the Tall Table in GBC Lounge or call her on 0405629790. Men's Breakfast @ GBCSAT 22 MAR 7:30AMJoin us for a bbq breakfast, barista coffee and an inspirational message from Guest Speaker Jerry Lee - "A Leader who serves to a Servant who Leads". Cost $10 pp.
Thursday Night Prayer ZoomThursday 7:30pm-8pmWe'd love you to join us for a short but effective time of “zoom” prayer Thursday night at 7:30pm. A 30-minute guided prayer led by one of our wonderful Elders. It's always an encouragement spending this short time together with Jesus. You can join in using this link: THURSDAY NIGHT PRAYER ZOOM or using the Meeting ID: 919 1693 5880 Passcode: f603j2 Add it to your diary now and we look forward to seeing you online on Thursday.
GBC's Lounge Lending LibraryPlease Borrow AnytimeThe Lounge Lending Library (LLL) is full of interesting Christian books for you to borrow. The lower shelf has lots of great Christian novels (I have restocked some of our favourite Tessa Afshar historical fiction books). Above those is some non-fiction books and especially some Daily Devotional books to help read the Bible and apply it. Take what you need. Only a few books are for sale and clearly marked with blue highlighter on the price tag eg. Jesus Calling, Jesus Listens, Message Bible and Bible Stories for Minecrafters. Enjoy! Any questions or sales see Sonia Beresford.
Senior Men's Lunch @ DRVWED 26 MAR 12:15PMAll Men are invited to Senior Men's Lunch at Donald Robinson Village (DRV) on Wednesday 26 March at 12:15 for a 12:30 start. Our Guest Speaker is Andrew Hudson, Chaplain at DRV. Andrew will tell how his passion for Gospel Ministry to our First Nations People began and has developed. Cost for lunch is $19. Please book with Arthur Watterson on 8539 7990, or Ian Scarfe on 0439 914 957 by Tuesday 18th March. Please note early booking deadline. Last minute cancellations must be paid for. |
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GBC Family News
An Encouraging Elder Editorial from Derek Mullins Lives Changed By JesusJohn 14:14 [Jesus said,] “You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it.” At first, Jesus’ words “You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it” may sound like the words of a genie. But Jesus isn’t talking about granting any wish we might have. What we pray for should be in line with God’s will. And how do we know what is God’s will? We learn about God’s will through reading and studying his Word. Prayer goes hand in hand with knowing God’s Word and will. As God reveals himself to us in his Word, we naturally grow in love for God and in our desire to serve him and others. For example, we know God calls us to love our neighbours, to care about their well-being, and to live peaceably with justice for all people. So we pray (and work) for just and fair policies so that people everywhere may have good food and housing and safety, that they may learn and grow and flourish as God intends. There’s nothing magical about prayer. Prayers based on the foundation of God’s Word put us in the position of wanting what God wants and seeking his kingdom. God answers these prayers as we ask them in Jesus’ name. [From the Today daily devotional] Congratulations to Tim Jones and Rachel FranklinThe Jones and Franklin families as well as friends of Tim and Rachel celebrated at their wedding last Saturday. It was a beautiful celebration of God's goodness and blessing as the two became one in holy matrimony. Praying you will always look to the Lord for His guidance, peace and wisdom as you grow together in love for God and each other. Congregational Prayer Requests* For those being baptised this Sunday (March 16) - for courage as they take their next faithful step, for removal of any anxiety and fear will be overcome by God's perfect peace. May they lock their eyes on Jesus. * Please pray for GBC folk in physical, mental and emotional pain. For those who are in hospital, undergoing surgery, medical tests, treatment. For those who are lonely, grieving the loss of a loved one. * Pray for the adult son of a couple in our congregation who is currently in hospital after suffering bleeding on the brain from a tumour. Pray for his wife, child and their extended family. * Our community of faith. Firstly, that we might see lives changed for the first time as people place their faith in Jesus. And secondly, that we might see change in all our lives as we continue to follow Jesus. May our hearts be open and turned towards God as we prepare to hear from and through The Word this Sunday - may His word be a lamp for our feet, a light on our path. (Psalm 119:105) May the words of Hebrew 12:2 be deeply rooted in our lives: "And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith."
Family News to share? | Join the Care Team?If you would like an item included in GBC Family News please fill in this form. For any questions regarding submitting this form, contact Karen Watkins, Congregational Care Coordinator, GBC Office – 9521 4611. Join the Care Team - be God's hands and His feet as we care for those in our community. To join one of our three Care Teams (Food, Practical, Visitation & Prayer) contact Marjy Robertson, Serve Team Coordinator. |